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Melissa Helene

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Happy Endangered Species Day!!

Today we celebrate wildlife + wild places and focus on how and why so many species are struggling to survive. Not only should we take this opportunity to educate ourselves on how our actions impact the survival of our nation's wildlife, but also how we can make a difference everyday! There are so many species, known and unknown, around the world that are close to extinction, but we can help turn their fate around.

Melissa Helene Fine Arts and Photography is dedicated to using art and creative expression to raise awareness of wildlife, wild place, + conservation issues. It's no secret that wildlife art is a significant part of what I do. I am facinated by all animals and love learning about how they live, interact together, and adapt to their surroundings. Looking back, I probably should have studied biology, ecology, conservation, or something along those lines in college. I may not have formally studied those things, but I continue to educate myself in any way that I can and am incredibly excited to have this third pillar of my business!!


My goal is to help raise awareness of conservation issues throughout the United States and in all areas of the world. The exotic creatures and lands may seem more exciting, but it is crucial that we also focus on our home! The largest part of my initiative so far is the Endangered Species Series on my blog where I pair a piece of scratchboard art with information about that particular species and why it is threatened. To find those posts, select the EndangeredSpecies tag to filter!


I'm offering my work at discounted rates and 50% of all proceeds will be donated to Defenders of Wildlife - one of the nation's leading conservation organizations. This is my first step in making a significant mark on conservation advancement.

Interested?? It's easy to contribute...find all the information here.

Thank you for taking time to educate yourself on issues of wildlife + wild place conservation and for contributing to the cause!

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